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Frequently Asked Questions

What do you need to set up the truck?
We need approximately 25 feet of flat surface. We tow the truck on a trailer to your venue so will need approximately 75 feet to unload it from the trailer. From there, we can drive it into place.
What happens if it rains/snows?
We will have a backup plan! Depending on your menu and location, we will either still bring the truck and move it closer to your inside space OR we will bring our portable bar and move inside. You rental price will be adjusted if the bar is used. There are no refunds for inclement weather.
How much time do you need to set up?
This will depend on the menu items you select, but in general 1 hour set up and 1 hour clean/load up.
Do you offer any other menu items?
Absolutely! We are happy to work with you on a curated menu for your special event! We also have seasonal selections!
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